Digester Doctor Sangram Rauta September 13, 2021

Digester Doctor

At Arka BRENStech, we specialize in providing tailored solutions with our 100% non-toxic, environment friendly ‘Microbial Cultures and Enzymes’ that effectively treat a wide range of organic waste materials, including kitchen and vegetable waste, rice straw, cow manure, and agricultural byproducts, using anaerobic digestion. Our goal is to ensure minimal scum formation and promote high-rate bio-methanation within the digester.

Our specially formulated enzyme solutions are water-soluble, with a dilution ratio of 1:1000. Once stabilized, they require minimal dosage and offer multiple benefits .


  • Reduction in recalcitrant COD content
  • Enhanced breakdown of challenging-to-degrade components
  • Assistance in depigmentation, particularly when coloration is caused by refractory chemicals
  • Minimized scum formation, thanks to accelerated hydrolysis
  • Improved overall digestion efficiency
  • Enhanced stirring efficiency
  • Improved pumpability
  • Increased use of cost-effective input materials
  • Enhanced process stability
  • Reduced downtime, resulting in higher profitability
  • Decreased sludge formation
  • Solubilization of stubborn scum

Our products are specially formulated for organic waste treatment through Anaerobic Digestion. They work by accelerating the breakdown of complex molecules, and release more stored energy in the form of biogas from the biomass or feedstock. As a result, the on-field application of our products consistently demonstrates a significant improvement in the efficiency of typical biogas plants, increasing biogas yields by up to 15%.

Application Fields

Our solutions find applications in various settings, including:
Biogas plants (utilizing any organic feedstock).
Municipal solid waste (organic) fermentation plants.
Waste-water treatment plants.
Anaerobic industrial wastewater treatment facilities.
External biological desulfurization columns.

Our Product Line

We offer a range of products designed to enhance the performance of your digester:


 Enhances and maintains a favourable microorganism population within the digester.


 Supports microorganisms in breaking down biomass into simpler molecules.


Arka Gas Enhancer

Improves digester stability and biogas yields, enhancing overall plant performance.

For more information download Digester Doctor brochure

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